Interested in opening a business in Downtown Aiken?
Opening a Business in Downtown:
Opening a business in downtown Aiken is usually a two-step process that begins with a visit to the Planning Department located at 111 Chesterfield Street, Aiken. There you will learn about the codes and ordinances required. Once these have been met, a business license can be applied for.
The City of Aiken wishes to make the business license application as simple and as quick as possible. The main issues under review by the City include whether or not the location selected is appropriate under the Zoning Ordinance, and whether the building and signs are safe and appropriate within these zones. Residential zones tend to include few businesses, so the business and industrial zones were developed to target certain types of businesses that are compatible within those zones.
Business license applications may be obtained at the City of Aiken Finance Department. Business license renewals for existing businesses are generally processed in our Finance Department. All NEW business license applications requiring a new business location, construction, or major renovation of a business must first be approved by the Planning Department.
All business locations must meet all applicable:
- Building Codes
- Zoning Ordinance requirements
- Fire & Life Safety Codes
- Sign Ordinance requirements